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Living in Mililani Town, HI
Located in the state of Hawaii, Mililani Town is a mid-sized city with a population of 28,460 residents. Mililani Town has a population density of 7,097 people per square mile. This would be considered well above the national population density level. Mililani Town is known to be family friendly as more than 80% of the population has already tied the knot. It might also be worth noting that 64% of residents also have children under the age of 18.
Whether you’re relocating to a new town to be closer to family, friends or for a new job, living in Mililani Town could be a positive experience compared to other cities in Hawaii if you know where to look. Using the livability score which includes data from categories like amenities, crime, education, employment, housing, you can easily compare the best places to live in Mililani Town and also determine if there are any nearby cities that might be a better match for your lifestyle. You can also compare Mililani Town to Hawaii and the national average.
With a livability score of 73/100, Mililani Town is ranked #7,641 in the United States and #32 in Hawaii. For each of the livability categories, we see that Mililani Town ranks very well for amenities (A+), weather (A+), education (A) and employment (B). There is at least one category that does not have great scores in Mililani Town. The following was graded with a disappointing score: cost of living (F) and housing (F).
Dating Again Mililani Town
Location, location, location - possibly the three most important words in your search for a new place to live. Fortunately, in Mililani Town, there is no shortage of amazing local amenities and interesting things to do.
Dating Again Mililani Town Shopping Center
There are many factors that go into deciding if an area is the right fit for your lifestyle. Certain “must haves” like low crime, great schools and nearby amenities are all at the top of most people's lists. But before even considering if those options are available, most people will need to know if the real estate in Mililani Town is actually affordable. Median real estate prices in Mililani Town come in at $572,900, which is 6.4% higher than the Hawaii average. The home price to income ratio compares the median home prices to the median household income. In Mililani Town, the home price to income ratio is 6.1, which is 18.7% lower than the Hawaii average.